Saturday, 14 April 2012

A few photo's I took when I went away in the Easter break, although the weather wasn't too cracking the photo's came out quite nice so ignore the clouds!


Monday, 2 April 2012

Something Inspirational

This is what happens when we have beautiful weather! I love taking photographs of my garden when its sunny and warm, makes the photos look warmer! 

Its prom dress time, again!

I swear my taste for fashion is getting more particular every day. Little things can sway me from lets buy to lets not. So you can probably understand my dilemma because its time for me to buy my perfect dress... for my final prom! I have so many styles whizzing around in my head, it could be midi, short, maxi, pale, bright, bold, embellished, block coloured or patterned! The list for me is endless, I blame the spring summer trends! There's too many to pickkkkkk! Obviously, I've seen my perfect dress on the catwalks of Louis Vuitton modelled by Kate Moss, god knows how much that piece of fashionable artwork costs! But not in my fifty pound budget, I'm sure!
Anyway, I've seen a few dresses, here and there.. but my budget is low and I want something that suits my style to the T!
I have around three months to go til the day, so I'll keep plodding on...!
When I've picked the 'one' I'll let you know, but from now on... wish me luck!